Personal, social and health education

Brain Break cards
6 brain break ideas for classes of any age and stage
easily adaptable
short little 5 min tasks to give you and your class a little brain boost when they are getting aggitated not focussing on work 100%

I lost a tooth today cards
6 cards per A4 sheet.
can be edited if you wanted - change the picture/theme etc
thought they would be handy for when children lose their teeth in school!
pair this card with a tiny plastic bag (for the tooth) and you’re good to go!

Miss/Mr .... is proud of me cards
4 cards per A4 sheet of paper
can be edited to change name and theme etc.
little cards to give out when a child does something great that you’d like to celebrate with them and their parents!
these cards are ideal for using to point out good work/behavior/etc.